The Practically Simple Guide to Taxes (and Finances) in Your Online Business
Accounting and business finances are hard enough. But now that you have your own business, it feels like you need to get an accounting degree to understand the basics of how to run your business.
Plus accounting jargon is just plain confusing.
Not anymore! Get this guide to help you with your business finances, accounting and taxes (USA only) and stop worrying about whether you are doing things right not.
This guide explains everything to you in plain English. The accounting jargon is eliminated.
In this no-nonsense guide, you’ll finally be able to understand what you need to do with your business finances, whether your business is a business or a hobby, what counts as income and what counts as expenses, and so many more questions that you may not have even thought of yet because accounting just isn’t your wheelhouse.
And accounting doesn’t have to be your specialty. But as a business owner, you do need to understand what is going on in your business and what you need to do in your business to stay compliant with the laws and regulations.
It can be complicated, but not anymore! Use this guide to help you demystify your questions and understand exactly what you need to do as a business owner to stay in business.
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Since this is an electronic download, there are no refunds.